Tag Archives: how to text with a girl

How To Text A Girl-11 Powerful Ways To Text A Girl You Like And Make Her Want You…

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how to text a girl you likeIn this post we will be looking at how to text a girl and giving you the 10 most powerful ways to get her interested in you and make her want you. It’s important to know just what kind of messages you should be sending a woman and if you just bombard her with the wrong kind without knowing what you’re doing, you could easily end up blowing it with a woman who previously liked you.

If you’d like to go much deeper than we can possibly go in a single post there’s an awesome text messaging system which is proven to work incredibly well for guys wanting to improve their strike rate with women get more phone numbers using a certain type of pick up line, land more hot dates, get more sex, even get their ex girlfriends back, and more…

If you would like to check it out for yourself it’s called Magnetic Messaging and it’s by a guy called Rob Judge, who incidentally charges his private clients $2000 a time to teach them this stuff face to face, however you can check it out for yourself here without the hefty price tag…

So, what are the best text messages to send?

When it comes to flirting by text with a girl you like to make her want you by text message there are a few pretty basic rules that you will need to follow. Your success will depend on the way you send your messages, as much as what you say in them, so let’s take a look at some of these rules and get you on the right track from the outset.

# 1:  Be inconsistent with your messages and capture her attention…

If you want women to chase you, be the guy they can’t figure out, that’s the guy women can’t resist chasing. Become too reliable and too dependable, like a pair of old slippers, and you’ll just end up friend zoning yourself, and while you can text yourself out of the friend zone, it’s far better not to have to.

So, don’t become boring and predictable by texting a girl back straight after she messages you all the time. Be sporadic, that way she will never know when your next message is going to come, and, as a result she will be constantly checking her phone to see if you have replied.

Being inconsistent with your messages also keeps her mind completely focused on you, often to the point where she is unable to properly concentrate on anything else, and this is how you text a girl and capture her attention.

# 2:  Always come across as being positive and having a good time…

Whenever you text her, make sure you send her the kind of message she’s going to want to receive. Don’t, whatever you do, send her messages where you’re moaning and complaining about things, or that make you come across as being bored, tired, or just plain uninteresting.

Instead, make sure that your texts are upbeat, happy, fun, and even flirty. Come across as though at the time of texting her you’re having more fun than ever, even if you’re not, that way she will get that ‘feelgood factor’ whenever she gets a message from you, and this in turn will leave her wanting to hear from you.

# 3:  Keep your messages short and flirtatious and to the point…

As mentioned above, your messages need to be flirty and fun. Keep them short and to the point, and whatever you do, don’t mess things up with her by trying to tell her your entire life story by text message. It is vital that you make your messages something she will enjoy and look forward to getting.

This is pretty easy to do. You can send her funny messages to make her smile and laugh, you can tease her about certain things, or you can just give your text conversations an overall vibe of flirtatious humor. This is how to text a girl in a fun way while flirting with her at the same time, and avoiding being in any danger of being friend zoned by her.

If you’re unsure what kind of lines you should be using for flirting, as well as the best times to do it for the best results, check out this page now…

# 4:  Use text messages to keep yourself always on her mind…

The more you can make a girl think about you, the more likely it is that she will begin to convince herself that she likes you, and text messages are the perfect way to make sure that you’re always on her mind.

This is another powerful text messaging strategy that’s really easy to use and which gets amazing results.

All you do here is send her random text messages throughout the week, again, your messages should have that ‘feelgood factor’ and make her smile and glad that you took the time to message her. Each message will then make her form a positive association with you in her mind, and leave her excitedly awaiting your next message…

However, when she replies to your text, don’t feel as though you have to respond to her, make her wait until you’re ready and create some anticipation in her.

# 5: Know the best time to text her…

It’s probably best to avoid texting her late at night, in the beginning at least as this can end up seriously backfiring on you for a couple of reasons. First, even though you may be stone cold sober, texting her late at night could lead to her thinking that you’re drunk, or that you’ve been drinking at least, and that it’s the drink that’s doing the talking and you don’t mean what you’re saying. Plus, you don’t want her thinking you’re a drunk as this is a massive turn off for most women.

You also don’t want to be texting her late at night because it could make you come across as being inconsiderate. Many people who need to be up early for work or school go to bed pretty early and the last thing you want to do is to wake her up and annoy her by texting late. She’s highly unlikely to text you back and it also makes it look as though you have nothing better to do, or nothing to get up for in the mornings.

To maximize your chances of getting a reply from her, simply text her after the work day or school day is over. If she’s going to reply, timing your messages like this make it far more likely that she can, and actually will reply. This also has the added benefit of allowing her to get back to you in a reasonable amount of time, which stops you from getting over anxious that she hasn’t replied yet and annoying her by over-texting her.

You should also avoid texting her as soon as the clock strikes 5:00 otherwise you run the risk of coming across as being a needy and dependent clock watcher waiting to pounce as soon as you think she’s free. This will more than likely leave her feeling stifled and destroy your chances with her.

Instead, text her sometime between 5:30 – 8:30. To make your texts seem spontaneous text her at random times like 5:37…6:23…7:52, avoid texting on the hour, half your, quarter hour, etc, as it comes across as being a bit too planned.

# 6.  Use good grammar…                                                    

Women want to hear from men, not boys, and first impressions really do last, so avoid, like the plague, using bad grammar when you text her.

You probably know exactly what we’re talking about here…misspelled words…pointless abbreviations, and using numbers and letters instead of words; ‘2U’ instead of ‘to you’. This just makes you come across as being lazy, unintelligent, and a complete waste of space.

The thing is, it doesn’t take any longer to spell your words correctly rather than use abbreviations, nor to spell-check your message for mistakes before hitting the send button. In fact, it shows you have some respect for her, and she will respect you in turn.

So, don’t let her first impression of you come across as ignorant and lazy, use proper grammar and she will see you as being an intelligent, respectful, diligent, and motivated man.

So, the first time you text her, simply send her a very uncomplicated and simple message that’s grammatically correct.

# 7. Don’t be afraid to make fun of yourself…

Making fun of yourself through flirty text messaging is a very powerful way to make her feel comfortable, make her smile, and as a result become more attracted to you.

When you make fun of yourself, in a tongue-in-cheek, playful kind of way which makes her smile, or even better gets her laughing she will begin to feel relaxed with you, and the whole interaction, and let her guard down.

Once her guard begins to come down she becomes much easier to talk to, even through text messages and believe it or not it’s possible to do this I just 3 texts once you know what you’re doing…

Click here to find out more…

# 8. Create some personal memories…

This is, hands down, one of the simplest and best tips out there on how to text a girl you like, build a connection, and make her want you.

Remember when and where you met…you started chatting with one another… the conversation was upbeat, relaxed, fun and flirty…you were both feeling really positive, so much so that when you asked for her number, maybe using one of these pick-up lines, she gave it to you.

Well, that first meeting, and the conversation you had is your first shared personal memory.

So, when you text her for the first time, take her back to that time and place and put her back in that positive, upbeat, fun and flirty mindset by reminding her of something that you both enjoyed immensely during that first meeting.

And if you can, because this works really well, remind her of something funny that happened… that way she’ll associate you with fun and laughter, and if there’s one thing that girls love…it’s a man who can make them laugh!

# 9. Flirt, but not all the time…

Sending her flirty text messages will subtly let her know that you’re actually into her and make her want to keep talking to you, but don’t go overboard. You need to flirt with her just often enough to show her that you’re interested in her, otherwise she’s going to get defensive and want you to back off and she could even stop responding to you texts.

Here’s how to use flirty texts to keep the conversation flowing…

Be playful with her…

Women like guys who don’t take themselves too seriously, so, when the time feels right let her see your goofy side by saying something silly, make her laugh, as long as she’s enjoying the conversation she’ll be happy for it to continue.

Tease her a little…

Once you know her well enough and you’re sure that she will be able to tell from the tone of your text messages that you’re joking with her you can begin gently teasing her, if she’s comfortable with you she’ll eventually start teasing you back. Sending the occasional 😉 emoticon is ok, however, use them sparingly and only when the time feels right to do so as they can be a great way to flirt, and also, if overdone, a great way to mess thing up.

For some great ways to flirt by text, including how to get your ex back by text, with actual message examples and how to use them check out this page now…

# 10. Get dirty when the opportunity presents itself…

Don’t be afraid to get dirty with her when you can. Border on sending her dirty texts every now and then to see how she responds, don’t go overboard here and start sending her full on XXX-rated messages as the chances are they will not be well received, borderline dirty is fine though.

If she messages you and asks you what you think you’re doing, tell her you just got out of the shower, or that you’re trying on some clothes you recently bought, anything at all that will make her think of you naked or taking off your clothes. This will encourage her to talk naughty back to you.

# 11: Be the one to end the conversation…

It’s important that you know when to end the conversation, and that you are the one that actually ends it. This is important if you are to maintain her interest, otherwise you run the risk of her getting bored. So, if at any time in the conversation she gives you the impression that she may have things to do, or if you’re stuck for things to say, end the conversation for the time being and text her again later on.

Here are a few indications that you should end the conversation…

If she is the one who usually ends the conversation it may be a good idea to not text her for a while and wait for her to get in touch with you.

If you’re only getting one-word replies from her then she may be too busy to text you at the moment or she might just not be interested enough in the conversation enough to want to continue with it.

If it takes her hours, or even days to get back to you, it’s time to back off a little and give her some space. Remember she has her own life, respect that and get on with your own stuff. Don’t get disheartened, give her time to miss hearing from you and wait for your next opportunity to message her.

And there you have the 11 most powerful ways to text a girl you like and make her want you. It’s important to send her the right kind of messages at the right time so whatever you do, stick to what you’ve read on this page, take your time, get it right, and the rewards can be astounding…

If you’d like to speed things up on the other hand, there is a way for you to get her turned on, and get her out in just 3 texts, which you can check out here if you’re interested…