Best Pick Up Lines For Getting A Girls Phone Number And How To Use Them…

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best pick up lines for getting a girls numberOn this page we are going to be looking at some of the best pick up lines for getting a girls phone number. This will come in particularly handy for guys who struggle in this area as getting her number in the first place is an essential part of dating, as well as for using the Magnetic Messaging program to text girls and land more hot dates, sex dates, and even build long lasting relationships.

If you’re already getting plenty of hot girls numbers and would like to know how to convert them into hot dates, and even sex by sending as little as 3 text messages, check out the Magnetic Messaging system by clicking here…

Before we get to the pick up lines themselves though, there are a few simple, and obvious things we need to do to give ourselves the best chances of success…

First We Need To Go Where The Girls Are…

This means grabbing the bull by the horns and getting out there, hitting all the local hotspots, as well as shopping malls, art galleries, museums, etc and meeting girls, interacting with them and basically doing what needs to be done to build up some rapport and spark her interest.

At this point you need to take things to the next level and get her phone number so you can arrange to meet up with her at some future point.

Here’s the thing. You need to do this at a point in the interaction where she’s comfortable, happy, even excited to be giving you her number, and where you’re just as happy to be getting it and giving her yours in return.

Here Are Some Quick And Easy Ways For Getting A Girls Number…

#1. You Need To Be Actually Approaching Girls When You’re Out…

The next time you’re in a busy bar, watching a band play, or at any other kind of social event you need to actually get out there, open up and socialize, there’s no way you’re going to be getting any numbers if you’re the guy sitting in the corner, not talking to anyone and basically avoiding all contact. You need to put yourself in a position where you can use your pick up linesand get her number.

#2. Make Her Feel Comfortable Talking With You…

This is pretty much the only thing you have to worry about when you begin chatting with a woman you’ve only just met. An easy way to do this is to listen to what she’s saying and use it to get her to the point where she’s relaxed and talking about her hopes, dreams, and desires, and the cool things she likes to do around town or wherever she may be. Get her to this point and you’re already at the stage where you can get her number. All you do now is suggest how cool it would be to stay in touch with each other, and ask for her number.

Remember, if you can build comfort like this with a woman you’ve only just met, you’ll be able to get pretty much any girls number, if you don’t build comfort, you’re going to struggle, it’s that simple.

#3.Play It Cool-Don’t Come Across As Being Too Overeager.

This could sound pretty strange to some guys but the whole point of game is to come across like you’re not overly interested in your target and make out like she should have all the reasons in the world to be interested in you.

This is where you need to play it cool and not come across as being too overeager, so rather than suggest exchanging ‘phone numbers’, simply mention ‘contact details’, or something similar instead, and leave it up to her to mention the idea of exchanging. This simple maneuver will stop you coming across as overeager and shooting yourself in the foot and allow you to keep playing it nice and cool…

#4. Do your homework…

Girls like leaders, fact, and so if you’re going to come across as any kind of a leader you’re going to need to have a pretty good idea of what’s happening in your town or city. You’re also going to need to know what kinds of places and events the girls you’re interested in and talking to will enjoy going to and taking part in.

So, if you don’t know the cool things to do around your town or city, go online and get hold of a travel guide or a city guide which covers where you live and find out what there is to do, and if there isn’t anything, find something nearby and plan the trip…now you’re a leader!

#5. Don’t be afraid to ask her for it…

It’s a simple fact, if you don’t ask girls for their numbers, you’re never going to get them. On the flipside, them more numbers you ask for-the more you’re going to get, and the moment you start asking for them is when everything changes and becomes the moment you start getting more and more of them.

When you’re just starting out it’s not so much of a numbers game as an approach game and the more you approach…the more numbers you will get.

So, get out to where the girls are and start socializing and interacting with them, make them feel comfortable talking with you, don’t come across as being too overeager, play it cool, justify reasons why you should stay in touch with each other and let her come up with the idea of exchanging numbers…do this and the numbers will start coming almost on autopilot.

That’s how easy it is to get girls phone numbers…

And for a quick and easy way to turn those numbers into dates, sexual encounters, and even long term relationships click here…

And to help you even further here are some of the best pick up lines for getting a girls phone number. You should use these lines ONLY when you are asking for a new number for the first time, and are to be used entirely at your discretion, and at your own risk.

We recommend tailoring the line to the occasion, event, or surroundings to make it come across as more original.  Also, don’t be afraid to tweak the lines a little to make them fit your personality.

Our Top 10 Pick Up Lines For Getting A Girls Number…

#1. “My friends sitting over there just bet me that I wouldn’t be able to get the phone number of a girl as hot as you…what do you say we buy ourselves some drinks with their money?”

#2. “I can tell that you’re going to be totally unique and different when I ask and say yes and let me have your number…”

#3. “I’ll bet you $10 right now that you won’t give me your number…”

#4. “You look like the kind of girl who’s heard every line in the book… So what difference will one more make? What’s your number?”

#5. “I think there might be something wrong with my phone. Could you try calling it for me to see if it rings? “

#6. “I’m doing a survey right now to see who has the most 7’s in their number, what’s yours?”

#7. “How many camels will you let me buy you if you give me your number?”

#8. “Can I have your number? One call, that’s all…?”

#9. “ There’s something wrong with my phone, it doesn’t have your number in it…”

#10. “I’m doing a survey on were people like to go on dates… can I call you tomorrow around 9 with the details…?”

And here’s a little bonus line for you which we have found to work pretty well indeed…

#11. “So, you’re just going to let me walk away without giving me your number…”

And if you’re talking with a girl who’s number you didn’t get previously for whatever reason try this version…

“So, you’re just going to let me walk away without giving me your number AGAIN are you?”

And Remember…

When using these lines, don’t come over as being too serious. Yes, you want her number, but you’re not begging for it. Say the line as though you’re only half serious, and teasing her and then just let it go.

She’ll give you her number, or she won’t, just yet. Either way you’ve just planted a seed. Now just let it germinate and grow in her mind, bide your time, play it cool, and wait for her to suggest exchanging numbers like it was all her idea to begin with!

And If You’d Like Some Expert Help…

Now you know the basics, you’ve got some great pick up lines and you’re raring to get out there and start getting some numbers. Then what? How will you convert those numbers into dates, sexual encounters, or even a long term relationship? You need a plan of action…

Or you could just blaze ahead trying this and that, maybe having some success and learning from the many mistakes you will undoubtedly make along the way.

Or you could hit the ground running and get some real life advice from a guy who is already very successful at getting women into bed consistently. The guys name is Rob Judge and he is the creator of the Magnetic Messaging system which teaches how to go from getting a girls number to landing a hot date, meeting up for sex, or laying the foundations for a long term relationship, as well as how to use text messages to get your ex back, in as little as just 3 text messages!

Sounds crazy…but it’s true…check it out for yourself here…!