What To Text A Girl You Only Just Met … And How To Get Her To Text You Back…

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In this post we will be taking a look at what to text a girl you only just met, and also, and just as importantly, how to get her to respond to your texts and make sure you land a date with her.

You are going to need to know how to do a number of things during your interaction with her in order to fully maximize the opportunities which come your way later on, and also to prevent her from flaking on you when it comes to meeting up for the first time, and that’s what we will be covering here today…

So read on if you would like to know…

  • How to make sure the interaction is actually good, and not something that you push just because you feel like it…
  • Why you should make sure that you trade numbers with each other…
  • How to use callback humor to establish an emotional connection…
  • How to use really funny pictures to spike an emotional investment…
  • Why it’s sometimes actually ok to send her stupid jokes…
  • How to prevent ‘text flake’…
  • Why you should end your texts with a question…
  • How to keep things fun and flirty…
  • Why you need to avoid coming across as being needy…

Converting Girls Numbers Into Dates, Sex, And More…

Let’s face it guys, it’s literally impossible not to have a good time when you’re going out and about and meeting women no matter what kind of mood you may be in at the outset. Meeting women for the first time and getting to know them by socializing, flirting and so on pretty much guarantees a good time, every time. And why not…it’s just natural behavior after all which often ends up with contact details, especially phone numbers being exchanged, but where do you go from here…how do you actually convert those numbers into hot dates, even hotter sex dates, and even the basis for long term relationships?

If you would like an actual program detailing exactly what to text in a wide range of different situations including examples of actual the actual texts to send you can click here…

If you are staying with us we will begin by taking a look at what to text a girl you just met to make her want you…

Here’s What to Text a Girl To Make Her Want You…

Listen to your gut…if it’s going well stick with it, if it’s not going well…forget it and move on…

A lot of professional pick up artists share the opinion that you should keep interacting with a woman even when you know it’s going really badly, as there’s always the chance that you may be able to turn it around even if you mess things up really badly on the initial approach. The thing is, if you’re getting flakes, really, really bad ones, there’s a pretty good chance that things aren’t going anywhere near as well as you thought they were.

And there’s always the chance that the women you are talking to actually find you annoying and just give you their number out of politeness. This happens quite a lot, they save your number in their phone under ‘Ignore’ or ‘don’t pick up’, they smile at you nice and politely, and them when you text them they make out like they’ve never even met you and have no idea who you are!

So, to avoid getting any numbers from flaky women, listen to your gut and feel how well the interaction is going. If it feels good, it’s highly likely that you’re onto a winner, if it doesn’t feel so good then you can take her number, just to seem polite, but don’t bother texting her as she’s more than likely going to flake on you, just move on.

Make sure that you trade numbers with each other-don’t just get hers…

This is important for preventing any confusion from arising when you text her later on, which is something you want to be aiming for. If she has your number too she can’t pretend she doesn’t know who you are or anything like that.

Right, so you’re having a good interaction with her, all is going well and you can just feel it in your gut. Now is the time to exchange numbers with her, you should be able to do this 10 minutes into the interaction and it should be the most natural thing to do at this point. Play it cool, don’t come over all over excited or over eager, just make it seem like the most natural thing in the world. Now you can begin texting her and making her want you.

Text her some callback humor to establish an emotional connection…

If you’ve never heard of ‘callback humor’ before it’s where you refer back to something that you talked about earlier in the interaction.

For example, if you both enjoyed laughing and joking about ice cream, then text her about ice cream, or if you discovered that you both loved a certain movie, text her about something you found really hilarious about the movie, in fact anything that you talked about and connected over during the interaction-text her about it in a light and flirty way. Do this and she will be far more likely to text you back, which is the whole point of this-you want girls to text you back, you want them to get into the habit of texting you back.

Callback humor is a fantastic way to establish an emotional connection between the two of you and the perfect thing to use to text a girl you only just met.  This is also what most professional pick-up artists and pick-up companies recommend doing at this stage of the game.

Spike an emotional investment by texting her some funny pictures…

If you’re looking for something that you can text a girl to make her smile, seriously funny pictures are the way to go. Not only are they a fantastic way to spike an emotional investment into an interaction that may be fading fast, they’re also great if you’re not so hot at making jokes.

Let’s face it, just about everybody out there today, especially girls are carrying around with them some type of smartphone which allows you to communicate with them in a number of ways, including sending picture messages. There are also countless funny pictures and videos that you can grab online and send her. In fact pretty much everything you could make a girl laugh with during a face to face conversation, there are pictures and videos etc for.

Just make sure that they’re actually funny enough to get her smiling.

Stupid jokes and goofy pictures…

Not everybody agrees with sending stupid jokes however the actual way that a joke is put together is perfect for text messaging. So, go online, find some jokes, goofy pictures can work pretty well too, and use them in you interaction.

Remember not to overdo it, you don’t want to come across as a clown or you could blow it altogether with her, find out what works best for you and go with that. Don’t be afraid to experiment a little…

If you’d like a PROVEN way to speed things up and know exactly what to text her, and when, to get her pretty much obsessed to meet you click here…

And Here’s How to Get a Girl to Text You Back…

So, quick recap, you’ve got a girls number, she’s obviously interested, you’ve got the tools you need and the enthusiasm to move things forward, and you’re ready and willing to put yourself on the line and just go for it, but you’ve got no idea how to get her to text you back.

Sound familiar?

Well you can stop wracking your brains because we are about to give you the 4-step definitive guide for getting a girl to text you back…

Here goes…

4 Simple Steps to Get A Girl to Text You Back…

When we talk about getting a girl to text you back, what we’re basically talking about is preventing her from flaking on you, and when we talk about a girl flaking, we are talking about anything she may do to prevent the interaction moving forward such as not showing up for a date you arrange with her, ignoring you when she sees you on the street, bad mouthing you, or not responding to your text messages, and, considering that you will be essentially texting her to get her to meet up with you, if she doesn’t even respond, that’s going to be the end of that.

Here are 4 easy ways to cut down on text flaking…

#1. When you get a girls number the first time, make sure it comes out of a really, really good interaction…

A weird truth about people is that they only usually flake when they’ve got nothing to lose. On the other hand, when the stakes are high, and they have something to lose, it rarely happens. This is important because if you had a really, really good first interaction with a woman and left her wanting to see you again, in which case she exchanged numbers with you, it’s unlikely she’s going to flake on you when you text her for a date.

Contrastingly, if the interaction didn’t go too brilliantly and she wasn’t sure either way, and didn’t really care if you texted her or not, and then all of a sudden you’re bombarding her with texts, that’s a different story and the chances are she’s going to flake, and so to avoid this happening and make sure that getting her to text you back is almost effortless on your part, just make sure that the first interaction goes really, really well.

The best way to do this is to get her number off of the back of something that you would both enjoy doing together, maybe a particular event, visiting a particular place, pretty much anything that you would both enjoy, and make sure that at the end of your interaction there are a few unfinished lines of conversation that you can revisit and carry on later by text, laying the way clear for you to steer the course of the text messaging into getting her to see you again.

#2. Once you have her number and start texting her, be sure to end your messages with a question…

More often than not, when guys text girls the texts they send don’t finish with a question, and, as a result, most of the texts that guys send to girls don’t get a reply, more often than not simply because they don’t finish with a question. In short, you don’t ask…you don’t get.

Finishing with a question allows you to build up a ‘mini-compliance ladder’, which allows you to start getting more and more co-operation from a girl, which you can use to steer her towards meeting up with you.

Also if your text doesn’t contain a question you are, to some extent, actively killing off your chances of getting as reply from her there and then, so use questions to get responses and keep the interaction alive, after all you’ve already got this far, you don’t want to risk blowing it now!

Keep the interaction fun and flirty…

As you’re probably already aware, people a far happier to keep a conversation going whether it happens to be face to face, over the phone, or by text, if the tone of the conversation is friendly, fun, and enjoyable.

A great thing about being able to do this by simple and short text messages, is that when it comes to meeting up with a girl and speaking to her in person, the whole interaction will be far easier for you, and go much more smoothly as a result.

So, keep the whole thing lighthearted and flirty, after all, you would be far more inclined to respond to a text message that makes you feel good and puts a smile on your face than one that’s all doom and gloom, and women are no different.

A couple of points to consider here, don’t start getting too sexual too soon, and don’t bring up subject matter that is difficult to grasp, just keep the interaction simple, sweet, and fun!

Don’t come across as being too needy…

This is another ‘no-no’ that can leave your chances of getting a girl to meet up with you dead in the water. Come across as being too needy in your texts and you’re basically giving her all the reason she needs not to reply, instead of giving her the reasons she needs to meet up with you.

So, don’t be one of those guys who blasts a girls phone 30+ times a day, it’s pretty pathetic really and it’s not going to get you anywhere, apart from ignored that is.

Play it cool. The simplest and easiest way to get a girl to text you back is to make it look like you’re a busy guy and you’ve actually got better things to do. People want what they can’t have so a little scarcity on your part will get her emotionally invested in you, and even better…she’ll begin chasing you.

And that’s how you get a girl you’ve only just me to text you back.

So there you have it, pretty much all you need to know on what to text a girl you only just met and how to get her to text you back and with a little time, practice, and obviously some trial and error too, you can have it down to a fine art…

On the other hand, if you’re serious about dramatically improving your strike rate with women, whether it’s getting strings hot dates with new women, more sex dates, getting out of the friend zone, and even getting your ex back via texting her, there’s an incredibly successful system called Magnetic Messaging which can show you how to do all this quickly and easily…

Click here to check out for yourself how it can help you turn things around and get women to start chasing YOU…