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Flirting By Text-Our Top 20 Tips For Successfully Flirting With Girls By Text To Land Hot Dates And More…

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flirting by textIn this post we will be sharing our top 10 tips for successfully flirting by text with a girl in order to build up her attraction towards you and clearing the way to getting her out on a date.

Knowing how to flirt with a girl by text is one of the most important skills you master in order to make a girl want to get to know you, and to keep her on the hook and interested in you.

Girls like guys who are fun and who interest them, simple.  And guys who flirt are interesting and fun. Unfortunately, you can’t always be there to flirt with her face to face, and that’s where texting comes in.

Flirting by text is a skill which can be learned and mastered pretty easily by anyone, and, as with just about every other skill there’s a right way, and a wrong way to go about it, and so if you start out using bad habits, and trashy pick up lines ,in your text flirting they will grow and be much harder to break free of farther down the line.

And when you consider that any bad habits you do allow to develop can mean the difference between having a date this weekend, and not having a date this weekend, or at any time in the foreseeable future, it’s just not worth running the risk.

Although when you’re just getting to know a girl, even though messaging by text shouldn’t be your main type of communicating with her, in today’s digital dating world it’s something that you’re just going to have to do, and so the more you know and the better you are at flirting by text, the sooner you’ll be able to get her out on a date.

Before we get into our top 20 tips for flirting by text there is one vital piece of advice we’d like to give you, and that is…

Be Unique…

It’s no use whatsoever sending her the same boring texts she’s received a hundred times before from guys who have tried to date her. Ignore this one important point and she’ll just get bored and bin you off like she did with them. So, be unique.

If you feel this is something that’s easier said than done and you don’t have a clue where or how to begin, don’t worry, help is at hand, and you can find out where to get some expert advice on what to text her, when to text her, and how to text her by clicking here…

That said, here are 20 tips that will make flirting by text infinitely easier with practice…

20 Tips for Text Flirting By Text…

 # 1. Getting Started- Initiate The Conversation And Be Sure To Listen To Her…

Don’t wait for her to start the conversation. If you do she’ll more than likely see you as being weak and that’s not what you want at all. Like it or not, you’re the man and it’s up to you to start the conversation. It’s what she expects, that’s just how it is.

Once you’ve started the conversation, listen to what she has to say. Sure, girls like it when a guy takes the lead, but they also like it when a guy lets them lead the way up to a point.

By listening to her you will get plenty of ideas of things to chat about, which will not only stop you running out of things to say, but also show her that you’re actually interested in her.

Just make sure you don’t overdo it and come across as some sort of control freak, if you do she’ll just block you.

This is particularly important if you’re trying to get your ex back via text messaging.

# 2. Play it Cool…

Always remember that the majority of girls out there are attracted to guys who are assertive but not desperate so when it comes to flirting by text don’t get carried away, just play it cool and don’t over-text her.

Limit the number of messages you send her, no matter how much you want to get with her, play it cool and play the long game. It will pay off massively in the end.

Also, keep things fun and don’t pressure her. Send her a hilarious joke or two every now and then and make her smile. This way she will look forward to your messages and be more ready and excited to engage in conversation with you.

# 3. Be Unpredictable…

Being boring and predictable is pretty much the worst thing you can do when it comes to flirting by text. If your messages aren’t fun, flirty and interesting, then the best thing you can do, until you come up with something that is, would be to not bother texting her at all.

Text conversations which begin with ‘Hi’, ‘Hey ;). Or ‘How’s your day going’ are simply going to bore the ass off of her and leave you pretty much dead in the water. Every guy she’s ever given her number to has probably sent her those kinds of message, and if they worked it’s highly likely she’d be dating one of them right now and not texting you.

So, you need to do something to make yourself unique, and make yourself stand out from all the others. So, text her something which incentivises, or better still, compels her to reply.

To find out how to do this like a top pick-up artist, click here…

# 4. Use Emoticons…

Emoticons are pretty good for flirting by text as they can help get across lots of different emotions really easily. This is useful as text messages can often be misinterpreted, and so adding an emoticon here and there can help avoid any awkwardness and confusion.

Just remember to only use them when they are relevant, and don’t go overboard and begin throwing them in on every text you send her or you may be running the risk of coming across as either juvenile, or a bit of a clown, and not the man she is looking for.

# 5. Ask Her Questions…

Girls just love the opportunity to talk about themselves when they’re chatting with guys, so as part of your flirting by text strategy, be sure to ask her about her favourite hobbies, films, music, foods, travel destinations, tv shows, etc.

This is another opportunity for you to gather information about her that will help you to organize dates with her, stop the conversation from drying up, and also give you little titbits which you can use to tease her a little…

# 6. Tease Her A Little…

Teasing is great for flirting by text as it’s a pretty sure fire way of creating intimacy between you and your girl without things getting too serious, too soon.

Be careful here though and remember, there is a line and you don’t want to cross it and start being rude or offensive. Cross this line and it’s sudden death for your texting relationship.

Something simple like giving her a cute nickname like ‘dimples’ or ‘little miss bossy boots’, things that nobody else calls her, is a pretty good way to tease her without crossing the line and being offensive.

Or, you could tease her about something she did or said the last time you spent time together, or when you first met. This is called ‘call-back humor’ as it draws attention back to a previous occasion when you had fun together, and is a great way of making her think of you, and your relationship in a positive light.

# 7. Get Suggestive…

Getting suggestive sooner rather than later in your flirting by text relationship serves two important purposes, first it keeps thing interesting, and second, it stops you from getting friend zoned by her.

It’s pretty easy to do too. You can either go down the traditional route in which case you could ask her what she’s wearing, and then pay her a sexy compliment like “ I love the way you look in that dress, but I think I’d love what’s underneath it a whole lot more”…

Or you could try a different approach where you take an innocent comment she makes and ‘accidentally on purpose’ misinterpret it as being sexual.

For example, if she says something like ‘ I couldn’t believe how big it was’, (innocently referring to the size of a meal or something just as everyday) you could reply by saying ‘that’s what she said’…

Simple, fun and flirty without going over the top…

Or if going down the sexting route makes you a little nervous, just drop it into the conversation that you just got out of the shower and you need to dry off. That will get her imagining you wet and naked and put the ball in her court. If she replies in a flirtatious and sexual way, you know you’re both on the same page.

And if you want to start sending her the kind of texts that will have her squirming in her seat all day at work, you can find out how here…

# 8. Create Some Sexual Tension Early On

A common mistake among a lot of men is thinking that they need to wait until much later in the texting relationship to start building some sexual tension. This absolutely is not the case, in fact it’s how around 43% of guys end up getting themselves relegated to the dreaded friend zone.

So, just how soon should you start creating sexual tension with her during your flirting by text conversation?

You should do it right of the bat…straight away…immediately!

The trick is to do it in a fun and playful way. And a guy who comes across as being in-tune and comfortable with his sexuality is something which women find very sexy, whereas a guy who comes across as being desperate, seedy, and creepy isn’t.

A really good way to start creating some sexual tension is by deliberately on purpose misinterpreting her comments, as previously mentioned, only taking it a little bit further and making it a little bit sexier.

For example, say you’ve arranged to meet up with her a bar or somewhere, you arrive on time and there’s no sign of her. Your phone beeps and it’s a text from her saying ‘I’m coming’…

To which you could reply saying, ‘I love it when that happens…’

If you’d like to find out how to master the art of creating sexual tension by text messaging, check out this page now…

# 9. Don’t Let Her Become Bored…

If there’s one thing you need to keep in mind at all times when flirting by text with women it’s that they get bored, and they get bored fast. There’s no avoiding this fact, so the sooner you come to terms with it, the easier you’ll find it to text a girl effectively.

The thing is, when a lot of guys are texting a woman they forget that the conversations that they are having need to be leading somewhere, ideally towards landing a date with her and actually meeting up. What happens then is, they’re having such a good time texting her, making her laugh and getting her to reply, that they just keep doing what they’re doing over and over, as if they don’t want to jeopardize what little they have got going on with her.

Carry on like this and sooner or later she’s going to get bored with this and you will end up being dumped in the dreaded friend zone.

So, whatever you do, don’t let her become bored, remember to keep things moving forward. Focus on moving from flirting by text to speaking to her on the phone, and then from phone conversations to going on a date, and from going on a date to getting her into bed.

# 10. Compliment Her…

Women love compliments, but they have to be genuine, because women also have a uncanny way of spotting a fake compliment a mile off…

So, one of the first things, if not the first thing you need to do when you text a girl is to serve her up a really nice and genuine compliment.

It really doesn’t matter what you compliment her about, it could be her fantastic personality, her beauty, how smart, or how hardworking she is, anything at all just as long as you are totally honest, genuine and sincere about what you say.

A word of warning here…whatever you decide to compliment her about, steer well clear of telling her how ‘hot’ she is or anything like that. Chances are if you go down that route too soon she’s going to feel uncomfortable at best, used at worst, and run like hell away from you…

Save compliments like this until you are in a serious relationship, you really don’t want to blow things at this stage!

# 11.  Keep Your Messages Short And To The Point…

When you’re looking for the right way to text a girl, there is something pretty important you need to know…

It’s called the three line rule…

And if you’ve never heard of it, here it is in a nutshell…

Basically, if you are sending her long and drawn out text messages, all you will end up doing is boring her to tears really quickly. You will also come across as being way too eager and lacking in self-confidence too.

You do not want to do this!

So, be sure to keep your messages short and sweet, and to the point.

This is the right way to text a girl, and anyone who is successful at flirting with a woman by text, simply sticks rigidly to the three line rule.

# 12.  Be Yourself…

Before you even think of trying it, remember that acting is hard work, there’s just too much to remember, and if you attempt to act like someone that you’re not to try and please a girl, sooner or later you will slip up, she will find out, and that will be the end of that!

So, just be yourself and steer well clear of trying to be someone that you are not.

Also remember, the whole point of flirting by text is to move things forward to eventually meeting up with her. She is going to want to meet the guy she believes has been texting her, so whatever you do, don’t put on an act…it WILL come back to bite you in the ass!

The bottom line here is that girls simply don’t go for building relationships on lies and dishonesty…

And let’s face it, who can blame them?

# 13. Don’t Be Pushy-Never Text Her Again Before Getting A Reply…

However much you think the stuff you text a girl requires an immediate response, the fact is that it probably doesn’t, at least not from her point of view…

And just because she doesn’t get back to you right away doesn’t mean that she doesn’t like you, or that she’s ignoring you, or anything like that.

So, before you bombard her with more texts, give her the time she needs to read your text and just wait for her to reply. Don’t be pushy, instead show her how patient you are, don’t come across as being needy and insecure.

# 14. Don’t Overdo The Emojis…

Texting is a language just like any other and one in which it’s easy for things to get lost in translation and misinterpreted. One way of getting around this is to use emojis. These little icons help to get across the intended emotion behind what is being said clearer than a simple text message can do alone.

The only problem is that some guys overdo them and depend on them too much to get their message across, and too many emojis can end up being very annoying.

So, you need to show a girl that you can actually use words to convey what you’re trying to say to her, and also that you do actually have something to say, and so, when you do use emojis, don’t overdo them, limit yourself to only using 3 or 4 per conversation.

# 15. Don’t Send Her 1 Word Replies…

This one is for you if you happen to be a man of few words…

If you’re flirting by text with a girl and when she messages you and asks you something for instance and you respond with only one or two word answers, chances are you’re going to soon end up coming across as unenthusiastic and very boring too.

So, when you text a girl back, put some effort in, remember the 3 line rule, you don’t need to go overboard but you do need to be invested in the conversation. Otherwise she could begin to feel like her text messages are annoying you, which could very easily end up with her giving up on texting you because it just isn’t any fun for her.

If you struggle to come up with the right messages to send her, go to this page now and see how you can overcome this quickly, easily and permanently…

# 16. Always End Your Messages With A Question…

Ending your text messages with a question is a fantastic way to keep the conversation, and the flirting going as it encourages her to text you back.

Text messages that just end without a question can kill the conversation dead no matter how much fun the conversation has been up to that point.

So, be fun, be flirty, be naughty, just make sure you texts interest her enough to illicit a reply from her…

You also need to know when to end the conversation too and we’ll be covering that further down this page.

# 17. Don’t Text Her Late At Night…

Generally, texting a girl in the middle of the night means just one thing…

But if you’re texting a girl you just met and really only just getting to know her, and she’s not the one texting you late at night, don’t think that you have to be the one who does it.

This is because unless she’s previously said that it’s OK to text her late at night, you have no idea how she will respond, or even if she’ll start to see you as a nuisance and stop responding to you altogether.

So, just relax and play it cool, let her be the one to text you late at night, and if she doesn’t, don’t sweat it, just wait until the next morning.

# 18.  Use Good Grammar…

When flirting by text you want to come across as being witty and intelligent, which just isn’t going to happen if you’re ‘txtin lyk dis’. Sure, if you’re a kid who’s under 18 you’ll probably get away with it, but if you’re a grown man in conversation with a woman you need to pay more attention to your spelling and grammar in general.

Spell out your words properly, and don’t use numbers instead of letters. You’ll just come across as lazy, juvenile, and unintelligent if you do. Women are attracted to men, not boys.

This doesn’t mean you need to sound as though you’ve just swallowed a dictionary and start using big words to impress her. All you need to do is read through each of your text messages before you send them and make sure there are no spelling mistakes or anything like that.

Using punctuation can add some real feeling to your texts and have a massive impact on how she interprets them. Say, for example, she send you a pic of herself in a new dress or outfit, and she looks pretty hot…saying ‘wow!’ conveys far more enthusiasm than just a plain old ‘wow’, and saying ‘I like it…’ comes across as being much more flirty, and suggestive than just saying ‘I like it’, see the difference, subtle but very effective.

Just one thing…don’t go overboard with the exclamation points and question marks etc…or with the winky faces, smiley faces and other emojis. It’s far more effective to use them sparingly and in the right context, otherwise they just come across as juvenile.

# 19. Don’t Allow Her To Manipulate You…

Some women know all too well the effect they have on men and will readily use their sex appeal to manipulate them. They do this to test men, to see if they can keep themselves together and composed when they start to turn things sexual…

And, most men fail this test…!

Once a woman turns things sexual with them they get over excited, over eager, a turn into lapdogs…do allow her to manipulate you like this, if you do you’ll be showing her that you’re no different to every other guy out there who is trying to get with her.

So, keep an eye out for if she starts coming on strong and turning things sexual, and if and when it happens just remember that this could be a test…

Instead of falling for it and allowing yourself to get all over excited, think of it as the game that it is. Playful banter works well here, tell her that you’re “not that easy ;-)”, or that she’ll have to do something like buying you a drink, or performing some other similar small task for you before anything happens.

This gets her thinking that you’re used to beautiful women being sexual and coming on to you, and that she’s going to have to try a bit harder. Once she knows that it’s no big deal to you, you’ll immediately stand out from the majority of the other guys she’s tested and failed.

# 20. Know When To End The Conversation…

One of the most important skills to learn when flirting by text is when to end a conversation.

If text conversations are allowed to go on for too long, sooner or later you will end up running out of interesting and fun things to say and as a result things will become very awkward and very boring, very quickly…

So, you need to be able to end your text conversations before they reach that point, and leave her wanting more.

This is pretty easy to do, just end the conversation with something teasing or flirty like “gotta go now babe, I’ll text you tomorrow. Don’t go getting in too much trouble without me!”…

Or “It’s time for bed…I need my beauty sleep. See you in your dreams”!

Try to end with something cute and flirty like “gotta go, babe, I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Don’t get into too much trouble without me!” or “Time for bed – need to get my beauty sleep. See you in your dreams!”

Over To You…

So there you have our top 20 tips for successfully flirting with girls by text. These should help you to formulate a plan for flirting by text which keeps things fun and flirty, as well as moving forward to calling her on the phone and arranging a date, while preventing you from developing bad text flirting habits that may be difficult to break and also slow down your progress.

If you’d prefer to skip the learning curve and dramatically improve your strike rate with women…and by that we mean get her out in just 3 texts!, check out our review of the Magnetic Messaging system here…

Or click here to skip the review and see exactly what it can do for you…

How To Text A Girl-11 Powerful Ways To Text A Girl You Like And Make Her Want You…

Our posts may contain affiliate links and if you buy something through one of those links, we could earn a small commission from the vendor which goes towards the upkeep of this site and WON’T cost you a penny more.

how to text a girl you likeIn this post we will be looking at how to text a girl and giving you the 10 most powerful ways to get her interested in you and make her want you. It’s important to know just what kind of messages you should be sending a woman and if you just bombard her with the wrong kind without knowing what you’re doing, you could easily end up blowing it with a woman who previously liked you.

If you’d like to go much deeper than we can possibly go in a single post there’s an awesome text messaging system which is proven to work incredibly well for guys wanting to improve their strike rate with women get more phone numbers using a certain type of pick up line, land more hot dates, get more sex, even get their ex girlfriends back, and more…

If you would like to check it out for yourself it’s called Magnetic Messaging and it’s by a guy called Rob Judge, who incidentally charges his private clients $2000 a time to teach them this stuff face to face, however you can check it out for yourself here without the hefty price tag…

So, what are the best text messages to send?

When it comes to flirting by text with a girl you like to make her want you by text message there are a few pretty basic rules that you will need to follow. Your success will depend on the way you send your messages, as much as what you say in them, so let’s take a look at some of these rules and get you on the right track from the outset.

# 1:  Be inconsistent with your messages and capture her attention…

If you want women to chase you, be the guy they can’t figure out, that’s the guy women can’t resist chasing. Become too reliable and too dependable, like a pair of old slippers, and you’ll just end up friend zoning yourself, and while you can text yourself out of the friend zone, it’s far better not to have to.

So, don’t become boring and predictable by texting a girl back straight after she messages you all the time. Be sporadic, that way she will never know when your next message is going to come, and, as a result she will be constantly checking her phone to see if you have replied.

Being inconsistent with your messages also keeps her mind completely focused on you, often to the point where she is unable to properly concentrate on anything else, and this is how you text a girl and capture her attention.

# 2:  Always come across as being positive and having a good time…

Whenever you text her, make sure you send her the kind of message she’s going to want to receive. Don’t, whatever you do, send her messages where you’re moaning and complaining about things, or that make you come across as being bored, tired, or just plain uninteresting.

Instead, make sure that your texts are upbeat, happy, fun, and even flirty. Come across as though at the time of texting her you’re having more fun than ever, even if you’re not, that way she will get that ‘feelgood factor’ whenever she gets a message from you, and this in turn will leave her wanting to hear from you.

# 3:  Keep your messages short and flirtatious and to the point…

As mentioned above, your messages need to be flirty and fun. Keep them short and to the point, and whatever you do, don’t mess things up with her by trying to tell her your entire life story by text message. It is vital that you make your messages something she will enjoy and look forward to getting.

This is pretty easy to do. You can send her funny messages to make her smile and laugh, you can tease her about certain things, or you can just give your text conversations an overall vibe of flirtatious humor. This is how to text a girl in a fun way while flirting with her at the same time, and avoiding being in any danger of being friend zoned by her.

If you’re unsure what kind of lines you should be using for flirting, as well as the best times to do it for the best results, check out this page now…

# 4:  Use text messages to keep yourself always on her mind…

The more you can make a girl think about you, the more likely it is that she will begin to convince herself that she likes you, and text messages are the perfect way to make sure that you’re always on her mind.

This is another powerful text messaging strategy that’s really easy to use and which gets amazing results.

All you do here is send her random text messages throughout the week, again, your messages should have that ‘feelgood factor’ and make her smile and glad that you took the time to message her. Each message will then make her form a positive association with you in her mind, and leave her excitedly awaiting your next message…

However, when she replies to your text, don’t feel as though you have to respond to her, make her wait until you’re ready and create some anticipation in her.

# 5: Know the best time to text her…

It’s probably best to avoid texting her late at night, in the beginning at least as this can end up seriously backfiring on you for a couple of reasons. First, even though you may be stone cold sober, texting her late at night could lead to her thinking that you’re drunk, or that you’ve been drinking at least, and that it’s the drink that’s doing the talking and you don’t mean what you’re saying. Plus, you don’t want her thinking you’re a drunk as this is a massive turn off for most women.

You also don’t want to be texting her late at night because it could make you come across as being inconsiderate. Many people who need to be up early for work or school go to bed pretty early and the last thing you want to do is to wake her up and annoy her by texting late. She’s highly unlikely to text you back and it also makes it look as though you have nothing better to do, or nothing to get up for in the mornings.

To maximize your chances of getting a reply from her, simply text her after the work day or school day is over. If she’s going to reply, timing your messages like this make it far more likely that she can, and actually will reply. This also has the added benefit of allowing her to get back to you in a reasonable amount of time, which stops you from getting over anxious that she hasn’t replied yet and annoying her by over-texting her.

You should also avoid texting her as soon as the clock strikes 5:00 otherwise you run the risk of coming across as being a needy and dependent clock watcher waiting to pounce as soon as you think she’s free. This will more than likely leave her feeling stifled and destroy your chances with her.

Instead, text her sometime between 5:30 – 8:30. To make your texts seem spontaneous text her at random times like 5:37…6:23…7:52, avoid texting on the hour, half your, quarter hour, etc, as it comes across as being a bit too planned.

# 6.  Use good grammar…                                                    

Women want to hear from men, not boys, and first impressions really do last, so avoid, like the plague, using bad grammar when you text her.

You probably know exactly what we’re talking about here…misspelled words…pointless abbreviations, and using numbers and letters instead of words; ‘2U’ instead of ‘to you’. This just makes you come across as being lazy, unintelligent, and a complete waste of space.

The thing is, it doesn’t take any longer to spell your words correctly rather than use abbreviations, nor to spell-check your message for mistakes before hitting the send button. In fact, it shows you have some respect for her, and she will respect you in turn.

So, don’t let her first impression of you come across as ignorant and lazy, use proper grammar and she will see you as being an intelligent, respectful, diligent, and motivated man.

So, the first time you text her, simply send her a very uncomplicated and simple message that’s grammatically correct.

# 7. Don’t be afraid to make fun of yourself…

Making fun of yourself through flirty text messaging is a very powerful way to make her feel comfortable, make her smile, and as a result become more attracted to you.

When you make fun of yourself, in a tongue-in-cheek, playful kind of way which makes her smile, or even better gets her laughing she will begin to feel relaxed with you, and the whole interaction, and let her guard down.

Once her guard begins to come down she becomes much easier to talk to, even through text messages and believe it or not it’s possible to do this I just 3 texts once you know what you’re doing…

Click here to find out more…

# 8. Create some personal memories…

This is, hands down, one of the simplest and best tips out there on how to text a girl you like, build a connection, and make her want you.

Remember when and where you met…you started chatting with one another… the conversation was upbeat, relaxed, fun and flirty…you were both feeling really positive, so much so that when you asked for her number, maybe using one of these pick-up lines, she gave it to you.

Well, that first meeting, and the conversation you had is your first shared personal memory.

So, when you text her for the first time, take her back to that time and place and put her back in that positive, upbeat, fun and flirty mindset by reminding her of something that you both enjoyed immensely during that first meeting.

And if you can, because this works really well, remind her of something funny that happened… that way she’ll associate you with fun and laughter, and if there’s one thing that girls love…it’s a man who can make them laugh!

# 9. Flirt, but not all the time…

Sending her flirty text messages will subtly let her know that you’re actually into her and make her want to keep talking to you, but don’t go overboard. You need to flirt with her just often enough to show her that you’re interested in her, otherwise she’s going to get defensive and want you to back off and she could even stop responding to you texts.

Here’s how to use flirty texts to keep the conversation flowing…

Be playful with her…

Women like guys who don’t take themselves too seriously, so, when the time feels right let her see your goofy side by saying something silly, make her laugh, as long as she’s enjoying the conversation she’ll be happy for it to continue.

Tease her a little…

Once you know her well enough and you’re sure that she will be able to tell from the tone of your text messages that you’re joking with her you can begin gently teasing her, if she’s comfortable with you she’ll eventually start teasing you back. Sending the occasional 😉 emoticon is ok, however, use them sparingly and only when the time feels right to do so as they can be a great way to flirt, and also, if overdone, a great way to mess thing up.

For some great ways to flirt by text, including how to get your ex back by text, with actual message examples and how to use them check out this page now…

# 10. Get dirty when the opportunity presents itself…

Don’t be afraid to get dirty with her when you can. Border on sending her dirty texts every now and then to see how she responds, don’t go overboard here and start sending her full on XXX-rated messages as the chances are they will not be well received, borderline dirty is fine though.

If she messages you and asks you what you think you’re doing, tell her you just got out of the shower, or that you’re trying on some clothes you recently bought, anything at all that will make her think of you naked or taking off your clothes. This will encourage her to talk naughty back to you.

# 11: Be the one to end the conversation…

It’s important that you know when to end the conversation, and that you are the one that actually ends it. This is important if you are to maintain her interest, otherwise you run the risk of her getting bored. So, if at any time in the conversation she gives you the impression that she may have things to do, or if you’re stuck for things to say, end the conversation for the time being and text her again later on.

Here are a few indications that you should end the conversation…

If she is the one who usually ends the conversation it may be a good idea to not text her for a while and wait for her to get in touch with you.

If you’re only getting one-word replies from her then she may be too busy to text you at the moment or she might just not be interested enough in the conversation enough to want to continue with it.

If it takes her hours, or even days to get back to you, it’s time to back off a little and give her some space. Remember she has her own life, respect that and get on with your own stuff. Don’t get disheartened, give her time to miss hearing from you and wait for your next opportunity to message her.

And there you have the 11 most powerful ways to text a girl you like and make her want you. It’s important to send her the right kind of messages at the right time so whatever you do, stick to what you’ve read on this page, take your time, get it right, and the rewards can be astounding…

If you’d like to speed things up on the other hand, there is a way for you to get her turned on, and get her out in just 3 texts, which you can check out here if you’re interested…

How To Get Your Ex Back Fast By Text Message In 7 Simple Steps…

Our posts may contain affiliate links and if you buy something through one of those links, we could earn a small commission from the vendor which goes towards the upkeep of this site and WON’T cost you a penny more.

get your ex back using text messagesIn this post we will be looking at how to get your ex back in 7 simple steps using text messages. We will tell you step-by-step how you can go from having no contact whatsoever with your ex-girlfriend after a breakup, to re-establishing contact with her, re-building the attraction and flirting with her by text, right through to speaking to her on the phone and setting up that first date with her that probably seems pretty much impossible right now.

Here is an overview of the 7 simple steps you need to follow…

  1. Have a clear and defined goal of why you are texting her
  2. The Basics of texting your ex
  3. What to do when texting your ex for the first time
  4. Following the ‘No Contact Rule’ and the right time is to text her
  5. Building Rapport
  6. Create attraction with flirting
  7. How to go from text messages to a phone call or a date

This is quite a long post and if you would prefer to check out the ultimate guide in attracting and seducing women using text messages, including how to get your ex back, how to get out of the dreaded friend zone, along with how to get more womens numbers be sure to check out Magnetic Messaging by Rob Judge and Bobby Rio here…

In More Detail…

Be clear about why you’re texting her…

Before you actually send her that first text, be sure of exactly what it is you want to achieve and have a clearly defined goal.

This may sound weird but you should only text your ex if you really want her back. If you are just texting her to get some sort of closure, don’t bother, you will end up with far more questions than answers and any answers you do get will just lead to more questions which isn’t going to give you the closure you’re looking for or help you to get over them.

Don’t text your ex just because you’re missing her as it will only make you look desperate, weak and needy. If this happens she’s highly unlikely to text you back, and even less likely to ever want to get back with you.

Likewise, texting your ex to start a fight and blame her for the breakup or anything else isn’t going to make her want to get back with you, don’t do it, it’s just going to make you look like a jerk.

And if it’s clear that she just doesn’t love you anymore and can quite easily live without you as the breakup was far more painful for you than it was for her, don’t text her, it’s not going to work. You still love her now, but you can move on, there are plenty more women out there and you can start again with someone new.

So before you decide to text her, be clear that you actually want to get back together and you’re willing to do what it takes to ensure that things will be different this time.

The Basics Of Texting Your Ex…Some Things To Take Into Account…

There are a few basics you will need to be aware of when it comes to texting your ex. You should avoid sending messages that are too long, just keep things short and sweet, after all you want to get her interest, not annoy her into ignoring you.

Don’t start banging on about the past either, or getting into all the emotional ‘I love you’ and ‘I miss you’ stuff. It might be what you want to tell her, and what you think she wants to hear, but the truth is it’s too soon for that stuff and sending it at this stage can really damage your chances of success.

And be sure to choose your words very carefully. Text messages can be open to misinterpretation at the best of times so be clear in what you say while keeping it short and sweet as trying to explain yourself can come across as being weak and needy, and you don’t want that.

Length of message…

Keep your texts messages short and sweet, however don’t make them so short that they destroy the interaction altogether. And remember, long text messages make you look desperate and needy.

Use response times to build up her anticipation…

Here you will use the time it takes for you to respond to her texts in order to build up her anticipation and make her respond more quickly to your texts, and this is pretty easy to do.

What you do is firstly is start up a text conversation with your ex-girlfriend and bring it to the point where she is opening up emotionally, or else she is eagerly awaiting for an answer from you on something you have been discussing.

You are looking for a text from her which is emotionally charged, the more emotional the better, and which also has a pretty high word count…

And then just ignore it for 30 minutes to an hour!

In the meantime she will be frantically checking her phone for a reply, and even getting mad with you for not replying, and when you finally do reply she will be overjoyed, realize just how much she wants to hear from you, and understand that she needs to be replying to your texts far more quickly from now on.

And so, now you’ve gone from no contact at all to building rapport and texting daily, to getting her to text you back right way…!

Know when to end the interaction…

This may sound strange but after following the ‘No Contact Rule’ and texting her for the first time, you need to end the interaction pretty much straight away, you send her 2-3 texts AT THE MOST, the last of them telling her that you have something urgent which needs your attention and that you will text her later, or you can send her a couple of texts and just not reply to her last one until later, either is fine and will leave her waiting to hear from you.

This also ties in with the method for building rapport with your ex which we discussed earlier.

Leave her wanting more…

In order to leave her wanting more it is essential that when you end the conversation, you end it on a positive note. Never end things on a negative note whatever you do, this will not leave her wanting more.

The trick here is to keep things positive which should be easy enough to do. After all she’s your ex, you know how to get her emotionally invested in a conversation, what buttons to press so to speak, so now you need to be on the lookout for 3 things from her which are…

  1. A text message from her with a pretty high word count, 25-60 words is good
  2. You received the above message within 1-5 minutes of your last text to her
  3. The message has a highly emotional charge

This is the point where you end the conversation, on a positive note as previously mentioned, and this will definitely leave her wanting more.

Have a planned response for each of the 4 different possible outcomes…

Depending on your own particular set of circumstances, such as who broke up with who, why you broke up in the first place, and things like that, she is going to have one of just 4 possible responses to your text. She will either respond positively, negatively, neutrally, or not at all. Work out how she is likely to respond in each and plan your responses to her responses for each eventuality accordingly.

If she responds positively…

This is the best response you can get. If she responds positively you should either carry on the conversation making sure you end it pretty soon and on a positive note, or you can end it immediately, again make sure you do this on a positive note, which will help to create some anticipation from her.

If she responds negatively…

Not good, but still not the worst type of response you can get. If she responds negatively you’ve messed up somewhere and given yourself some serious work to do. In this case, keep your cool…this is very important and you don’t want to make things any worse between you. Simply apologize for disturbing her and leave it at that. You need to give her some more time before texting her again, let her settle down emotionally. There’s no real way around this unfortunately so use the time to figure out where you may have messed up and make sure not to do it again.

If she responds neutrally…

In the case of a neutral response, as in the instance above, you need to give her a little more time before contacting her again, however between 2 and 24 hours will work best here unlike with a negative response where she will need longer.

If she doesn’t respond at all…

This is the worst type of response you can get. Having said that it’s not the end of the world, there can be any number of reasons why she didn’t respond; her battery died, something came up, someone called her…so whatever you do-don’t panic.

Not getting a response could also be due to her needing more time, in which case you need to give her some, or you may need to come up with a more attention grabbing text message, or a combination of the two.

So, give her some time, 48-72 hours, use the time to come up with a message that’s going to make her feel good and want to respond to. And whatever you do, don’t lose your cool-time heals all wounds, so let it.

Texting your ex for the first time…

Your first texts need to create a synergy between three things…a hook, piquing her curiosity, and being too irresistible for her to ignore…

Make sure that our first text contains an intriguing hook to grab her attention, something to pique her curiosity, and something that’s just too irresistible for her to ignore.

This shouldn’t be too difficult for you, after all you know here intimately, what she likes, what arouses her interest etc. Use what you know and take the guesswork out of the equation. This will help re-establish the connection between the two of you.

The right time to text your ex…

Knowing the right time to text her, and how long to wait before you do can be crucial to your success. One of the first thing you need to be aware of it what’s known as the ‘No Contact Rule’, which is basically a fixed period of time where you have absolutely no contact with your ex at all, you don’t talk to her, text her, or call her at all during this period. How long this period lasts for can depend on your own unique situation, but generally there are 3 different rules; a 21 day rule, a 30 day rule, and a 45 day rule.

The reasons you need to follow the ‘No Contact Rule’ are quite simple. If you begin bombarding her with text immediately after the break up you run the risk of firstly coming across as being pathetically needy, and this is something you definitely want to avoid at all costs as being needy is probably the most unattractive thing you can ever be.

Secondly, texting her too soon and when emotions are still running high can lead to sending her a barrage of hateful, hurtful messages which aren’t going to make her want to get back with you anytime soon. In fact they are far more likely to drive her even further away and make your job of getting her back much harder, if not impossible.

Thirdly, if you’re not thinking straight because of your emotional state you might end up sending her texts begging her to get back with you. This is another massive no-no. Women want to be with men they can look up to and respect, start begging, for anything, and you’re pretty much done.

And fourthly, and probably worst of all, is a combination of any or all of the above which can lead to frustration on your part, the feeling that you’ve got nothing left to lose, so you lose your temper and start arguing, then fighting, and before you know it you’ve just gone and made the situation a hundred times worse and more difficult to resolve than it ever had to be…

So, follow the rule!

Even if she texts you after the 6th day the 8th day, the 10th day, or on any other day at all…no contact means no contact!

Building Rapport…

The strategy here is to start off slowly and then gradually increase the frequency of your texts. So, to begin with you will send your first text after following the ‘No Contact Rule’ for the prescribed number of days, keeping the interaction brief and ending it quickly yourself, whatever you do don’t allow the interaction to continue long enough for your ex to be the one to end it.

After this you need to go back into ‘no contact mode’ for 2-3 days before sending your next text. This time though you can make the interaction slightly longer before you end it.

Wait another day or two before texting her again to give her the impression that you have other, more important things to be getting on with, and make this conversation even longer than last time.

Wait another day before contacting her again, however this time you can allow the conversation to run for as long as you like, just as long as you are the one that ends it as in the previous steps.

Text her again the following day and allow the interaction to continue for as long as you want it to. Try and be the one who ends the conversation, however at this point it’s not going to be as crucial as before, and you can always wait until your next conversation and be the one to end it then.

And so, you’ve just gone from having no contact at all to re-establishing contact with her and increasing the frequency of that contact to where you’re texting each other every day, which is the ideal strategy for re-building rapport with her.

Create attraction with flirting…

To begin rebuilding attraction with your ex by text you need to target her emotions, you need to make her feel all warm and fuzzy inside again, do this and you’re well on your way to sealing a date with her. Don’t, whatever you do try and use logic to convince her to meet you it’s the wrong way of going about it and it won’t work.

Here’s how to get her feeling all warm and fuzzy and create attraction through text messages…

Keep things positive and fun…

The first thing you need to do is to eliminate any negative texting behavior you may have. By this we mean no anger over the past, no jealousy or possessiveness, no needy behavior, no over eagerness to get a date, or anything along those lines.

Focus on making her feel good…

Next you need to focus on making her feel good, people are attracted to what makes them feel good so make her feel great when you text her, she’ll associate your texts with feeling good, and she’ll begin to want and look forward to your texts, in fact she’ll become addicted to them!..

To do this just keep the interaction light, positive, and fun, this will trigger a dopamine release in her, and the more it does, the more she’ll want, and the more attracted to you she will become.

So, keep the interaction positive and fun, of course you can get a little bit more serious every now and then, not too often though, and avoid any negativity like the plague. In short, be the guy whose text messages make her feel amazing.

Rebuild physical attraction with some sexy talk…

If there’s one thing that makes a girl attracted to you, and that includes your ex, it’s when you suddenly hit her with some dirty talk when you’ve so far shown no inclination towards it.

Throwing curveballs like this is what builds physical attraction. Nothing to do with logic as we mentioned earlier, this is pure emotion at work…one minute she’s thinking how she’s got you all worked out and that you’re heading into the friend zone with her, next thing she knows you taken her somewhere more erotic altogether.

The great thing about this is it’s incredibly easy to do…just lead her into an imaginary steamy role play scenario with something like….

“Suppose we were out walking in the countryside miles from anywhere, all of a sudden we found ourselves caught in a torrential downpour…we come across an old barn and take shelter…we take our clothes off to dry them…then what…?

Or something along those lines… if you’d like some real examples of texts to get your ex back which are proven to work in dozens of different situations, check this out…

Don’t let her friend zone you…

Don’t be like most guy out there and make the mistake of thinking that the best way to make a girl attracted to you is to be ‘there for them’ , like some kind of therapist, or even worse…a friend giving them a shoulder to cry on…

Because the second you do…BANG…she’s friend zoned you, or to be more accurate you’ve friend zoned yourself, either way it’s not what you want.

That’s not to say you shouldn’t be nice to her but there are some things you should leave to her best girlfriend to do for her. Being too nice and dependable isn’t going to make you appear desirable to her.

So, be confident, positive, fun and flirty with your text messages, and make her feel all warm and fuzzy inside, without being a doormat and ending up in the friend zone and you’ll soon recreate the attraction needed to carry out the next step…

Going from Text Messages to a Phone call or a date…

From text messages to phone calls…

Texting is a great way of initiating contact after observing the ‘No Contact Rule’, however it’s no real substitute for a phone call or meeting up in person. Phone calls have the advantage of  allowing you to speak to your ex girlfriend far more intimately as you get to hear the familiar sound and tone of each other’s voices, which in turn allows you to build a far deeper connection by actually speaking to her rather than sending text messages.

At this stage you should do your utmost to speak to your ex on the phone every chance you get. And don’t be afraid to create those chances yourself…

Here’s one way of doing it…

Say you and your ex girlfriend have been texting regularly for some time, things have progressed nicely to the point where you feel she would be ready to speak with you on the phone…

Text her something really funny, something that’s going to make her laugh and probably get her to send you one of those LMAO replies…

Then text her that you need to drive somewhere and you can’t stop laughing yourself, and would she like to speak on the phone and continue the conversation?

She’s happy…she’s laughing… she says ‘yeah, sure’…

And you’ve just gone from texting her to speaking on the phone…!

It’s as easy as that! All you had to do was to ask while things were on a positive note. She actually told you 2 things here too…she wants to carry on the conversation and she’s also happy to move on from texts and speak on the phone.

Use little ‘hooks’ like this to build up to having regular rapport building conversations with her and before long you won’t need an excuse to get her on the phone at all.

From phone calls to dates…

This is a big step so before taking it make absolutely sure that you have built up enough of a connection, enough attraction, and enough trust with your ex girlfriend through the text messages you have been sending her, as well as the phone calls you have been having up to this point.

As a rule of thumb you should have been speaking via text messages and phone calls regularly for at least one week.

To do this properly, just keep things nice and simple, if she says ‘no’, don’t pressure her in any way, however if she replies that she’s ‘not sure’, it’s ok give her a little nudge…

Try this…

Tell her you will be in her area tomorrow and ask her if she would like to meet up for a coffee…

If she says she’s not sure if it’s as good idea

You tell her it’s just a coffee…

She agrees to meet up with you.

Whatever you do, don’t call it a date…it’s just the two of you ‘hanging out’ or ‘catching up’.

how to get your ex back first date

And that’s how easy it is to go from speaking on the phone to meeting up in person. Don’t try and be too adventurous at this point though like asking her to a concert or anything too ‘datey’. Build up to this slowly over time and you’ll have your ex back.

And if you’d like some expert help to get your ex back…

And there you have it, how to get your ex back fast by text message in 7 simple steps. If you’d like to go more in depth and get tons of working example texts to get your ex back, and keep her there’s a program called Magnetic Messaging which you can check out here where you’ll discover the insider methods being used by those in the know to spark things back up with an ex, get a girls number, text girls you’ve only just met, get more hot dates, get more sex dates, and also build lasting relationships using text messaging…

Check it out here and see what it can do for you…

What To Text A Girl You Only Just Met … And How To Get Her To Text You Back…

Our posts may contain affiliate links and if you buy something through one of those links, we could earn a small commission from the vendor which goes towards the upkeep of this site and WON’T cost you a penny more.

In this post we will be taking a look at what to text a girl you only just met, and also, and just as importantly, how to get her to respond to your texts and make sure you land a date with her.

You are going to need to know how to do a number of things during your interaction with her in order to fully maximize the opportunities which come your way later on, and also to prevent her from flaking on you when it comes to meeting up for the first time, and that’s what we will be covering here today…

So read on if you would like to know…

  • How to make sure the interaction is actually good, and not something that you push just because you feel like it…
  • Why you should make sure that you trade numbers with each other…
  • How to use callback humor to establish an emotional connection…
  • How to use really funny pictures to spike an emotional investment…
  • Why it’s sometimes actually ok to send her stupid jokes…
  • How to prevent ‘text flake’…
  • Why you should end your texts with a question…
  • How to keep things fun and flirty…
  • Why you need to avoid coming across as being needy…

Converting Girls Numbers Into Dates, Sex, And More…

Let’s face it guys, it’s literally impossible not to have a good time when you’re going out and about and meeting women no matter what kind of mood you may be in at the outset. Meeting women for the first time and getting to know them by socializing, flirting and so on pretty much guarantees a good time, every time. And why not…it’s just natural behavior after all which often ends up with contact details, especially phone numbers being exchanged, but where do you go from here…how do you actually convert those numbers into hot dates, even hotter sex dates, and even the basis for long term relationships?

If you would like an actual program detailing exactly what to text in a wide range of different situations including examples of actual the actual texts to send you can click here…

If you are staying with us we will begin by taking a look at what to text a girl you just met to make her want you…

Here’s What to Text a Girl To Make Her Want You…

Listen to your gut…if it’s going well stick with it, if it’s not going well…forget it and move on…

A lot of professional pick up artists share the opinion that you should keep interacting with a woman even when you know it’s going really badly, as there’s always the chance that you may be able to turn it around even if you mess things up really badly on the initial approach. The thing is, if you’re getting flakes, really, really bad ones, there’s a pretty good chance that things aren’t going anywhere near as well as you thought they were.

And there’s always the chance that the women you are talking to actually find you annoying and just give you their number out of politeness. This happens quite a lot, they save your number in their phone under ‘Ignore’ or ‘don’t pick up’, they smile at you nice and politely, and them when you text them they make out like they’ve never even met you and have no idea who you are!

So, to avoid getting any numbers from flaky women, listen to your gut and feel how well the interaction is going. If it feels good, it’s highly likely that you’re onto a winner, if it doesn’t feel so good then you can take her number, just to seem polite, but don’t bother texting her as she’s more than likely going to flake on you, just move on.

Make sure that you trade numbers with each other-don’t just get hers…

This is important for preventing any confusion from arising when you text her later on, which is something you want to be aiming for. If she has your number too she can’t pretend she doesn’t know who you are or anything like that.

Right, so you’re having a good interaction with her, all is going well and you can just feel it in your gut. Now is the time to exchange numbers with her, you should be able to do this 10 minutes into the interaction and it should be the most natural thing to do at this point. Play it cool, don’t come over all over excited or over eager, just make it seem like the most natural thing in the world. Now you can begin texting her and making her want you.

Text her some callback humor to establish an emotional connection…

If you’ve never heard of ‘callback humor’ before it’s where you refer back to something that you talked about earlier in the interaction.

For example, if you both enjoyed laughing and joking about ice cream, then text her about ice cream, or if you discovered that you both loved a certain movie, text her about something you found really hilarious about the movie, in fact anything that you talked about and connected over during the interaction-text her about it in a light and flirty way. Do this and she will be far more likely to text you back, which is the whole point of this-you want girls to text you back, you want them to get into the habit of texting you back.

Callback humor is a fantastic way to establish an emotional connection between the two of you and the perfect thing to use to text a girl you only just met.  This is also what most professional pick-up artists and pick-up companies recommend doing at this stage of the game.

Spike an emotional investment by texting her some funny pictures…

If you’re looking for something that you can text a girl to make her smile, seriously funny pictures are the way to go. Not only are they a fantastic way to spike an emotional investment into an interaction that may be fading fast, they’re also great if you’re not so hot at making jokes.

Let’s face it, just about everybody out there today, especially girls are carrying around with them some type of smartphone which allows you to communicate with them in a number of ways, including sending picture messages. There are also countless funny pictures and videos that you can grab online and send her. In fact pretty much everything you could make a girl laugh with during a face to face conversation, there are pictures and videos etc for.

Just make sure that they’re actually funny enough to get her smiling.

Stupid jokes and goofy pictures…

Not everybody agrees with sending stupid jokes however the actual way that a joke is put together is perfect for text messaging. So, go online, find some jokes, goofy pictures can work pretty well too, and use them in you interaction.

Remember not to overdo it, you don’t want to come across as a clown or you could blow it altogether with her, find out what works best for you and go with that. Don’t be afraid to experiment a little…

If you’d like a PROVEN way to speed things up and know exactly what to text her, and when, to get her pretty much obsessed to meet you click here…

And Here’s How to Get a Girl to Text You Back…

So, quick recap, you’ve got a girls number, she’s obviously interested, you’ve got the tools you need and the enthusiasm to move things forward, and you’re ready and willing to put yourself on the line and just go for it, but you’ve got no idea how to get her to text you back.

Sound familiar?

Well you can stop wracking your brains because we are about to give you the 4-step definitive guide for getting a girl to text you back…

Here goes…

4 Simple Steps to Get A Girl to Text You Back…

When we talk about getting a girl to text you back, what we’re basically talking about is preventing her from flaking on you, and when we talk about a girl flaking, we are talking about anything she may do to prevent the interaction moving forward such as not showing up for a date you arrange with her, ignoring you when she sees you on the street, bad mouthing you, or not responding to your text messages, and, considering that you will be essentially texting her to get her to meet up with you, if she doesn’t even respond, that’s going to be the end of that.

Here are 4 easy ways to cut down on text flaking…

#1. When you get a girls number the first time, make sure it comes out of a really, really good interaction…

A weird truth about people is that they only usually flake when they’ve got nothing to lose. On the other hand, when the stakes are high, and they have something to lose, it rarely happens. This is important because if you had a really, really good first interaction with a woman and left her wanting to see you again, in which case she exchanged numbers with you, it’s unlikely she’s going to flake on you when you text her for a date.

Contrastingly, if the interaction didn’t go too brilliantly and she wasn’t sure either way, and didn’t really care if you texted her or not, and then all of a sudden you’re bombarding her with texts, that’s a different story and the chances are she’s going to flake, and so to avoid this happening and make sure that getting her to text you back is almost effortless on your part, just make sure that the first interaction goes really, really well.

The best way to do this is to get her number off of the back of something that you would both enjoy doing together, maybe a particular event, visiting a particular place, pretty much anything that you would both enjoy, and make sure that at the end of your interaction there are a few unfinished lines of conversation that you can revisit and carry on later by text, laying the way clear for you to steer the course of the text messaging into getting her to see you again.

#2. Once you have her number and start texting her, be sure to end your messages with a question…

More often than not, when guys text girls the texts they send don’t finish with a question, and, as a result, most of the texts that guys send to girls don’t get a reply, more often than not simply because they don’t finish with a question. In short, you don’t ask…you don’t get.

Finishing with a question allows you to build up a ‘mini-compliance ladder’, which allows you to start getting more and more co-operation from a girl, which you can use to steer her towards meeting up with you.

Also if your text doesn’t contain a question you are, to some extent, actively killing off your chances of getting as reply from her there and then, so use questions to get responses and keep the interaction alive, after all you’ve already got this far, you don’t want to risk blowing it now!

Keep the interaction fun and flirty…

As you’re probably already aware, people a far happier to keep a conversation going whether it happens to be face to face, over the phone, or by text, if the tone of the conversation is friendly, fun, and enjoyable.

A great thing about being able to do this by simple and short text messages, is that when it comes to meeting up with a girl and speaking to her in person, the whole interaction will be far easier for you, and go much more smoothly as a result.

So, keep the whole thing lighthearted and flirty, after all, you would be far more inclined to respond to a text message that makes you feel good and puts a smile on your face than one that’s all doom and gloom, and women are no different.

A couple of points to consider here, don’t start getting too sexual too soon, and don’t bring up subject matter that is difficult to grasp, just keep the interaction simple, sweet, and fun!

Don’t come across as being too needy…

This is another ‘no-no’ that can leave your chances of getting a girl to meet up with you dead in the water. Come across as being too needy in your texts and you’re basically giving her all the reason she needs not to reply, instead of giving her the reasons she needs to meet up with you.

So, don’t be one of those guys who blasts a girls phone 30+ times a day, it’s pretty pathetic really and it’s not going to get you anywhere, apart from ignored that is.

Play it cool. The simplest and easiest way to get a girl to text you back is to make it look like you’re a busy guy and you’ve actually got better things to do. People want what they can’t have so a little scarcity on your part will get her emotionally invested in you, and even better…she’ll begin chasing you.

And that’s how you get a girl you’ve only just me to text you back.

So there you have it, pretty much all you need to know on what to text a girl you only just met and how to get her to text you back and with a little time, practice, and obviously some trial and error too, you can have it down to a fine art…

On the other hand, if you’re serious about dramatically improving your strike rate with women, whether it’s getting strings hot dates with new women, more sex dates, getting out of the friend zone, and even getting your ex back via texting her, there’s an incredibly successful system called Magnetic Messaging which can show you how to do all this quickly and easily…

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Best Pick Up Lines For Getting A Girls Phone Number And How To Use Them…

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best pick up lines for getting a girls numberOn this page we are going to be looking at some of the best pick up lines for getting a girls phone number. This will come in particularly handy for guys who struggle in this area as getting her number in the first place is an essential part of dating, as well as for using the Magnetic Messaging program to text girls and land more hot dates, sex dates, and even build long lasting relationships.

If you’re already getting plenty of hot girls numbers and would like to know how to convert them into hot dates, and even sex by sending as little as 3 text messages, check out the Magnetic Messaging system by clicking here…

Before we get to the pick up lines themselves though, there are a few simple, and obvious things we need to do to give ourselves the best chances of success…

First We Need To Go Where The Girls Are…

This means grabbing the bull by the horns and getting out there, hitting all the local hotspots, as well as shopping malls, art galleries, museums, etc and meeting girls, interacting with them and basically doing what needs to be done to build up some rapport and spark her interest.

At this point you need to take things to the next level and get her phone number so you can arrange to meet up with her at some future point.

Here’s the thing. You need to do this at a point in the interaction where she’s comfortable, happy, even excited to be giving you her number, and where you’re just as happy to be getting it and giving her yours in return.

Here Are Some Quick And Easy Ways For Getting A Girls Number…

#1. You Need To Be Actually Approaching Girls When You’re Out…

The next time you’re in a busy bar, watching a band play, or at any other kind of social event you need to actually get out there, open up and socialize, there’s no way you’re going to be getting any numbers if you’re the guy sitting in the corner, not talking to anyone and basically avoiding all contact. You need to put yourself in a position where you can use your pick up linesand get her number.

#2. Make Her Feel Comfortable Talking With You…

This is pretty much the only thing you have to worry about when you begin chatting with a woman you’ve only just met. An easy way to do this is to listen to what she’s saying and use it to get her to the point where she’s relaxed and talking about her hopes, dreams, and desires, and the cool things she likes to do around town or wherever she may be. Get her to this point and you’re already at the stage where you can get her number. All you do now is suggest how cool it would be to stay in touch with each other, and ask for her number.

Remember, if you can build comfort like this with a woman you’ve only just met, you’ll be able to get pretty much any girls number, if you don’t build comfort, you’re going to struggle, it’s that simple.

#3.Play It Cool-Don’t Come Across As Being Too Overeager.

This could sound pretty strange to some guys but the whole point of game is to come across like you’re not overly interested in your target and make out like she should have all the reasons in the world to be interested in you.

This is where you need to play it cool and not come across as being too overeager, so rather than suggest exchanging ‘phone numbers’, simply mention ‘contact details’, or something similar instead, and leave it up to her to mention the idea of exchanging. This simple maneuver will stop you coming across as overeager and shooting yourself in the foot and allow you to keep playing it nice and cool…

#4. Do your homework…

Girls like leaders, fact, and so if you’re going to come across as any kind of a leader you’re going to need to have a pretty good idea of what’s happening in your town or city. You’re also going to need to know what kinds of places and events the girls you’re interested in and talking to will enjoy going to and taking part in.

So, if you don’t know the cool things to do around your town or city, go online and get hold of a travel guide or a city guide which covers where you live and find out what there is to do, and if there isn’t anything, find something nearby and plan the trip…now you’re a leader!

#5. Don’t be afraid to ask her for it…

It’s a simple fact, if you don’t ask girls for their numbers, you’re never going to get them. On the flipside, them more numbers you ask for-the more you’re going to get, and the moment you start asking for them is when everything changes and becomes the moment you start getting more and more of them.

When you’re just starting out it’s not so much of a numbers game as an approach game and the more you approach…the more numbers you will get.

So, get out to where the girls are and start socializing and interacting with them, make them feel comfortable talking with you, don’t come across as being too overeager, play it cool, justify reasons why you should stay in touch with each other and let her come up with the idea of exchanging numbers…do this and the numbers will start coming almost on autopilot.

That’s how easy it is to get girls phone numbers…

And for a quick and easy way to turn those numbers into dates, sexual encounters, and even long term relationships click here…

And to help you even further here are some of the best pick up lines for getting a girls phone number. You should use these lines ONLY when you are asking for a new number for the first time, and are to be used entirely at your discretion, and at your own risk.

We recommend tailoring the line to the occasion, event, or surroundings to make it come across as more original.  Also, don’t be afraid to tweak the lines a little to make them fit your personality.

Our Top 10 Pick Up Lines For Getting A Girls Number…

#1. “My friends sitting over there just bet me that I wouldn’t be able to get the phone number of a girl as hot as you…what do you say we buy ourselves some drinks with their money?”

#2. “I can tell that you’re going to be totally unique and different when I ask and say yes and let me have your number…”

#3. “I’ll bet you $10 right now that you won’t give me your number…”

#4. “You look like the kind of girl who’s heard every line in the book… So what difference will one more make? What’s your number?”

#5. “I think there might be something wrong with my phone. Could you try calling it for me to see if it rings? “

#6. “I’m doing a survey right now to see who has the most 7’s in their number, what’s yours?”

#7. “How many camels will you let me buy you if you give me your number?”

#8. “Can I have your number? One call, that’s all…?”

#9. “ There’s something wrong with my phone, it doesn’t have your number in it…”

#10. “I’m doing a survey on were people like to go on dates… can I call you tomorrow around 9 with the details…?”

And here’s a little bonus line for you which we have found to work pretty well indeed…

#11. “So, you’re just going to let me walk away without giving me your number…”

And if you’re talking with a girl who’s number you didn’t get previously for whatever reason try this version…

“So, you’re just going to let me walk away without giving me your number AGAIN are you?”

And Remember…

When using these lines, don’t come over as being too serious. Yes, you want her number, but you’re not begging for it. Say the line as though you’re only half serious, and teasing her and then just let it go.

She’ll give you her number, or she won’t, just yet. Either way you’ve just planted a seed. Now just let it germinate and grow in her mind, bide your time, play it cool, and wait for her to suggest exchanging numbers like it was all her idea to begin with!

And If You’d Like Some Expert Help…

Now you know the basics, you’ve got some great pick up lines and you’re raring to get out there and start getting some numbers. Then what? How will you convert those numbers into dates, sexual encounters, or even a long term relationship? You need a plan of action…

Or you could just blaze ahead trying this and that, maybe having some success and learning from the many mistakes you will undoubtedly make along the way.

Or you could hit the ground running and get some real life advice from a guy who is already very successful at getting women into bed consistently. The guys name is Rob Judge and he is the creator of the Magnetic Messaging system which teaches how to go from getting a girls number to landing a hot date, meeting up for sex, or laying the foundations for a long term relationship, as well as how to use text messages to get your ex back, in as little as just 3 text messages!

Sounds crazy…but it’s true…check it out for yourself here…!