Magnetic Messaging Review

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In this review we are going to be taking a look at the Magnetic Messaging: 3 Texts To Attraction dating system which is a step-by-step guide for guys who are already getting womens numbers, as well as those who may be struggling to get numbers, on how to convert them into dates, relationships, or sex, depending on what you are looking for.

We will go through exactly what you get, including the free bonuses, and tell you as much as we are allowed to about how it works, who created it, how it will benefit you, and giver you our verdict on whether or not we think you should buy it.

If you don’t want to read the full review you can click here to go straight through to the main product page and check out more on the Magnetic Messaging dating guide and see for yourself how it can help you…

On the other hand, if you are sticking around for the full review we will begin with an overview of the system before going into as much detail as we are allowed to…

Magnetic Messaging Review…

Overview-here’s just some of what you’ll learn…

  • How to text your way out of the dreaded ‘friend zone’ with a girl
  • How to get your ex back using text messages
  • How to fire things back up with a girl who may have gone cold on you and be slipping away
  • How to get a girl you only just met to start chasing you
  • How to stop a woman cold and make her interests in what you say
  • How to get her to share personal stuff with you and ensure you get the date
  • How to get her imagining what it would be like to sleep with you
  • How to text her and create pent up sexual tension that has her squirming in her seat at work
  • And much, much more!

In A Little More Detail…

Magnetic Messaging is a step-by-step guide to phone game created by Rob Judge and Bobby Rio which teaches guys who struggle to convert womens numbers into dates, sex, and relationships, the necessary yet simple skills required to get a girl to meet up with them via text messaging.

The program also works for guys who struggle to get numbers to begin with as it also covers communicating with women face to face, along with how to develop the necessary mindset which is essential to successful interactions with women.

When you secure your copy of Magnetic Messaging will get access to the following e-books and video programs…

The Magnetic Messaging eBook contains 191 pages of nicely spaced out and easy to read instructions, without any fluff, along with tons of example texts that will totally transform your phone game. If your currently just sending the same old boring and predictable texts that she’s read a thousand times before and getting nowhere fast, or you’re struggling to come up with a formula for texting girls so they not only reply, but actually go on dates with you, this book will fix the problem.

The book will also give you excellent guidance, including working examples on what to do when a girl just doesn’t respond at all, or when she takes her time getting back to you. You will also discover what to do if she flakes out on a date you have already set up with her.

The book does however, state clearly at the outset that you’re not going to get EVERY girl you want, however it does give you everything you need to massively improve your strike rate!

Magnetic Messaging book is divided into 6 parts…

Part 1…

This is an introduction to the course where it outlines gives you the three “ingredients” or “secret sauce” of how the whole thing works. Basically this comes down to 3 things:

  • Sparking Emotions
  • Making Connections
  • Handling Logistics

These 3 things are at the core of the course, everything you will learn boils down to these 3 things and get this…

It is entirely possible to get the girl in just 3 text messages when you follow what is taught in Magnetic Messaging!

Part 2…

This is the first phase and covers what to do once you’ve got her number; what, when and how to text her and how to respond to certain question she may ask, along with how not to end up becoming her new texting buddy. You will also learn what to do if she doesn’t respond, how to get her excited to meet you and how to build more of a connection with her, and how to change her mind and get her to meet you if she’s making excuses not to.

Part 3…

This is the second phase and covers what to do when you’re sort of dating her but maybe not quite, and goes into how to set yourself up for a successful first date, how to keep her interested and invested and get the second date and also covers how to text her after sleeping  with her.

This section then moves onto how to compliment a woman in a way that she finds totally attractive and then build up her anticipation for seeing you again before moving from texting and sexting to having actual phone conversations with her.

Part 4…

This section covers the third phase and this is where you’re actually dating her. Here you’ll learn how to build a relationship with her and keep the fire burning by developing your own particular style and avoid falling into any patterns of predictability.

In this particular phase you will also discover how to begin ‘sexting’ her and turn up the sexual heat over the phone. Here you will also learn how to bring up the subject of threesomes with her and also how to get her to send you hot naked pictures of herself via text, as well as how to give her the genuine compliments she wants to hear and keep her entirely focused on you.

Part 5…

This is the Appendix Section where you will find the answers to the most frequently asked questions and suggested solutions to the most commonly made mistakes. We actually recommend checking out this section as you work your way through the course to avoid or limit making any mistakes in the first place that could set back your plans.

Part 6…

This is where Rob shares his final thoughts and where he emphasizes just how important it is for you to spark a womans emotions.

Fancy a sneak peek into the product…

We thought you might and we thought the best way to would be by answering a few important questions…

Who created it?

The Magnetic Messaging system was created by a guy named Rob Judge. This is a guy who uses text messages to consistently get hot and highly sought after women out on dates and into bed. In fact, this guy is so successful with women using his Magnetic Messaging Key Lock Sequence of texts that guys have actually paid him over $2000 to fly to New York and learn this stuff face to face!

How it will help?

It will help by teaching you to send her the kind of flirty texts that grab her attention, turn that attention into an infatuation and quickly get her out on a date, or, it will help you to kickstart things with a girl you already know, or have already been dating but who may be starting to loser interest, and even fire things back up with a girl who previously slipped through your fingers for whatever reason.

Who it will help?

Magnetic Messaging is perfect for any guy who already gets womens numbers easily enough but who struggles to get the responses he wants and convert those numbers into dates, and even sex, because he’s basically sending her the ‘wrong’ texts.

This system is designed to help just about ANY guy, in pretty much ANY situation to start getting the results he wants with women on a consistent basis.

Here’s what you get inside…

Main Product…

magnetic messaging ebookFirst off there’s the Magnetic Messaging ebook which includes easy to follow, step-by-step instructions on exactly which texts to send a woman, and exactly when to send them, depending on which one of literally dozens of situations you currently find yourself in, making yourself impossible to turn down and turning your phone into a magnet.

Free Bonus #1…

magnetic messaging infatuation formulaThen there’s the ‘Infatuation Formula’ which is a video program which shows how to get women ‘emotionally addicted to being around you’, as well as teaching you 5 ways to make yourself more ‘Enchanting’ to the women you’re dating, plus how to create the ‘Butterfly Effect’ and make sure you give her butterflies each and every time she sees you.

Free Bonus #2…

magnetic messaging rejection proof video programAnd next there’s the ‘Rejection Proof’ video program which teaches you how to make yourself impossible for women to reject. You’ll learn how to eliminate your fear of rejection, you’ll learn how to completely eliminate any worries, fears, or any other insecurities you may have about how you appear to a woman, and also how to appear cool, calm and confident in front of ANY woman.

Free Bonus #3…

magnetic messaging 99 best texts of all timeAnd finally there’s the ’99 Best Texts Of All Time’ which is an ebook full of the most powerful texts you can send a woman, covering dozens of situations you could potentially find yourself in, and which have also been extensively tested and proven to get results.

Our Verdict-Should You Buy Magnetic Messaging?

If you’re a guy who is looking for a proven and uncomplicated way to get more dates, more sex, or build a long lasting relationship with pretty much any woman you desire, then we highly recommend investing in a copy of the Magnetic Messaging dating guide.

Although this course is primarily designed for guys who already have no problems getting womens numbers, it can also be used incredibly effectively by guys struggling to get numbers too, as the methods employed in the course can also be used there too.

This is also a fantastic tool for anyone wanting to get their ex back, text their way out of the dreaded ‘friend zone’ with a girl, fire things back up with a girl who might be slipping away without sounding desperate, and to get girls you’ve only just met to chase YOU and fight for YOUR attention!

Another major plus with Magnetic Messaging is that it covers pretty much any situation you are ever likely to find yourself in with a girl and how to turn it to your advantage and get the outcome that YOU want.

It’s also very easy to read with tons of real life examples which you can easily adapt and follow, plus it comes with a full 60 day no quibble money back guarantee, so you’ve absolutely nothing to lose and probably a whole lot to gain from just trying it out!

In a nutshell, Magnetic Messaging is here to help you begin skyrocketing your results with the woman, or women, that you want by avoiding making any deadly mistakes and showing you exactly when, how and what to text them.

Guys are regularly paying up to $2000 to fly to New York and get taught this stuff face to face…you can grab it today for just $47 and have it delivered instantly to your inbox!

Click here to learn more about the Magnetic Messaging course and grab your copy today…